
P³ Paisley

A Paisley based charity focusing on promoting the social mobility, encouraging the health and well being and advancing the education of people in the town.

About Us

Here's some of our objectives, resources and future plans.

To promote social mobility, encourage health and well being and advance the education of those living in Paisley and the surrounding area who require assistance.

To co-operate with other like-minded charitable organisations in Paisley.

To support charitable appeals and projects for the benefit of the people of Paisley.

P³ currently has a managed investment portfolio. Through the Committee’s network of contacts, the income is distributed as seen fit to grant applicants, often made by applications from third parties acting, in confidence, on behalf of individuals.The Committee also has the power to solicit donations, sponsorship and the like in pursuit of the Association’s objectives.

Having ‘re-invented’ itself in 2003, to better meet the needs of society, now and in the future, P³ will continue distributing funds out of income. Plans are being developed to link with other like-minded organisations and public bodies to assess the possibility of undertaking additional, more substantial, projects that share the same core objectives. It is envisaged that this will require raising the Association’s profile and to commence fund-raising initiatives to meet the needs of the projects identified.

If you are interested in assisting in the future plans of the Association please contact the Secretary or any member of the Committee. Similarly, if you know of any individual, project or organisation which meets the Association’s Objectives and might benefit from funding please make an application to any member of the Committee.


P³ is a Paisley based charity focusing on promoting the social mobility, encouraging the health and well being and advancing the education of people in the town.In 2003 the Committee reviewed the aims and objectives to broaden the rules of the Association to better reflect the needs of today’s society. Since that point the Committee have worked hard to build a network to distribute the funds available to individuals through locally-based organisations which include, Accord Hospice, Renfrewshire Association for Mental Health, the Renfrewshire Education Trust and the Star Project.

Meet The


James Lang


Hugh Gilmour

Vice Chairman

Graham Murray

Secretary & Treasurer


Get In Touch