On 17th December Stephen McLellan, Chief Executive of Recovery Across Mental Health and Jade Gallagher , RAMH’s Administration Officer, were presented with a cheque for the hardship fund.
Stephen said:
”RAMH are very appreciative of the support from Providing For People in Paisley as this enables us to support local people in ways we just would not be able to under any other circumstance.
We link with many people who find themselves in trying circumstances who lack the financial resources to fulfil some of the fundamental essentials in keeping themselves and their families nourished and clothed and with a very modest lifestyle.
The funding from P³ has enabled us to help people partly furnish a home, and to regain pride and self esteem. This sounds so simple, but it does have a huge and positive impact.
Life can be challenging, but with the generosity shown by P³ , we can help people to regain control and to move on.”