This badge has been designed by the Scouts from Unit 92 of the Scottish contingent for the 24th World Scout Jamboree 2019. Key elements of the co –hosts Mexico, Canada and The United States of America are featured alongside Oor Wullie.
Paisley Scouts – World Scout Jamboree
An online application from a Paisley Scout, selected to represent the region, seeking financial support to attend the 24th World Scout Jamboree in America in 2019 successfully met the charity’s criteria and a discretionary grant was issued.
Here’s an excerpt from the pre jamboree weekend training camp which was held in June near Stirling.
“We practiced cooking on an open fire, kayaking, swimming and launched the group’s design for the unit badge. I was happy and motivated by the experience despite the pouring rain and being eaten alive by midges. The countdown is on ……thirteen months until the great adventure.”
Mystery training camp – Bydgoszcz Poland February 2019
” The aim of this camp was to focus on our travelling ability and to see how well we could navigate ourselves around a foreign town. We also spent a fair amount of time on team building exercises with the Polish scouts. We did a bit of sight-seeing in the city of Gdańsk and Poznań. It was time well spent. Our next get-together will be in June, a month before the great adventure in America. It has also been confirmed that we will visit Washington and that we will also spend four days in Canada.”